This weekend we went to a dog dancing competition. For Marcel, this is already familiar, to drive 700-800 km, enter the ring and back the same amount. But this is the first time for little Sandor. And Simba actually took a ride for the company. But he didn’t take his eyes off me. Caring)
Our results: Marcel danced to the third place in the Veterans class! He tried very hard, and we almost succeeded. Sandor danced on the road for the first time, and we have a gold medal
with him again, we are the first again! The Elementary School is closed for this class. Let’s move on to the next one, Beginners!
Thanks a lot to our coach Галина Чоговадзе! We will succeed!!! To the judges of the competition for the performance of our dances. To the organizer of the competition, Ольга Нечаева, for her titanic work, everything was very cozy, homely.