My golden boy, my sunshine, Soul Brother at Real Pearl (Sándor), 9 months old.Three days of exhibitions and two days of dog dancing competitions. As they say, he is not only handsome, he is also smart!
Results of the exhibition rings, Junior class: 3 x Excellent, 3xCW, 3xJChRKF, Best Border Collie Junior, BOS, BOB!!! Thus, at 9 months old, he closed the title of Junior Champion of Russia!!!
We didn’t stay at the Best in Show, because we had dog dances on the same days. “Elementary school” class (puppies up to 12 months old). Where Sandor and I became winners twice with our new dance “Porushka-Paranya”!!!
The first day we scored 24.67 points, the second – 23.87 points. Thanks to our breeder Judit Korózs-Papp for my golden boy! He’s extraordinary!
This is just the beginning of our journey, there is still a lot of work to do.
Thanks to our coaches Галина Чоговадзе and Лариса Руденко for working with us, for ideas and guidance. Thanks to the dog dance judges: Инна Баранова, Ирина Шонина, Irina Irisha Efremova, Елена Балыкова, Надежда Самойлова, Olga Korovaikova, Natalia Zorina for your smiles, ratings, recommendations and words of support. And also to the judges in the breed rings Gabriel Stibel, Galiaskarova Larisa and Golubovic Jobica for your opinions))) and to our handler Ekaterina, who exhibited Sandor today while Sheltie and I were in the dance ring.